Garage Plus, the service concept developed by Swiss Automotive Group (SAG), comes with a complete and competitive offer for independent car workshops in Romania. Partner services benefit from both a new and modern image package and technical support to strengthen their position in the market. Discover the benefits that Garage Plus partners have access
Read MoreIn perioada ianuarie-aprilie 2024, Demovanul Augsburg International parcurge tara, oferind service-urilor partenere nu doar tehnologie de ultima generatie, ci si reduceri la echipamentele pentru ateliere. In cadrul vizitelor oferim demonstratii tehnice partenerilor nostri si oportunitatea de a descoperi cele mai recente tehnologii intr-un mediu practic si interactiv, beneficiind in acelasi timp de oferte speciale la
Read MoreVrei sa diversifici gama de scule disponibile in service-ul tau? Prepare your list of desired products, the Augsburg International Demovan is on its way to you! Be on the lookout, from now until the end of 2023 we will be doing a tour of the biggest cities in the country. We have already
Read MoreBetween September and October 2023, the Augsburg International company organizes the National Sales Conferences – the Tourism and Truck divisions. This event is an excellent opportunity to organize trainings in order to update the knowledge of our sales representatives and help us achieve the common goals we have with the agreed suppliers, which
Read MoreAnd this year it was wonderful to spend time together at the same pond, Bila 2 in Giurgiu county. The competition is more and more serious between the 26 teams, and the partner OSRAM offers motivating prizes every year. We thank the participants and the Augsburg International team involved in organizing the event. Congratulations to
Read MoreStimați Parteneri, Acționarii grupului de firme Autonet Group Holding (AGH), parte a grupului SAG, locul cinci în topul aftermarket european, și-au unit forțele cu Augsburg International (AI),unul dintre cei mai importanți distribuitori independenți de piese auto din România. Astfel, AGH preia pachetul majoritar al AI, în care va avea o participație de 51%, în timp
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